
长葛日立 ZX350-6A国四挖掘机CG-11398系列

长葛日立 ZX350-6A国四挖掘机CG-11398系列

1. 引擎功率大:日立ZX350-6A国四挖掘机采用具有较大功率的日立原装发动机,能够提供强大的动力输出,使挖掘机具有出色的工作性能。2. 燃油经济性好:该挖掘机采用了先进的燃油喷射技术,能够实现燃油的高效利用,提高燃油经济性,减少了运营成本。3. 操控灵活:ZX350-6A国四挖掘机配备了精密的液压系统,提供了灵活的操作和反应快的操作性能,使操作人员能够轻松掌控挖掘机的各项功能。4. 效率高:该挖掘机具有卓越的挖掘能力和卸载能力,能够快速、高效地完成各种施工任务,提高工作效率。5. 安全可靠:日立ZX350-6A国四挖掘机采用了高强度、耐用的钢材,具有良好的稳定性和抗震性能,能够保证操作人员的安全。6. 维修保养方便:挖掘机设计合理,各个部件布置合理,使得维修保养更加方便快捷,降低了维修成本和维修时间。7. 环保节能:该挖掘机符合国家国四排放标准,采用了先进的减排技术,减少了对环境的污染,同时也降低了能源消耗,实现了节能环保。总结起来,日立ZX350-6A国四挖掘机具有强大的动力、燃油经济性好、操控灵活、高效率、安全可靠、维修保养方便、环保节能等优点,适用于各种施工场景。

1. high engine power: Hitachi ZX350-6A national four excavator adopts the original Hitachi engine with large power, which can provide strong power output and make the excavator have excellent working performance. 2. good fuel economy: the excavator adopts advanced fuel injection technology, which can realize the efficient use of fuel, improve fuel economy, and reduce the operating cost. 3. flexible operation: The ZX350-6A national four excavator is equipped with a precision hydraulic system, providing flexible operation and responsive operating performance, enabling the operator to easily control the excavator's functions.4. High efficiency: the excavator has excellent digging capacity and unloading capacity, and is able to quickly and efficiently complete a variety of construction tasks and improve work efficiency.5. Safe and reliable: the Hitachi ZX350-6A national four The excavator is made of high-strength and durable steel, with good stability and anti-seismic performance, which can ensure the safety of the operators.6. Convenient maintenance: the excavator is reasonably designed, and the arrangement of each component is reasonable, which makes the maintenance easier and quicker, and reduces the maintenance cost and time.7. Environmental protection and energy-saving: the excavator complies with the national national IV emission standard, and adopts advanced emission reduction technology, which reduces the pollution to the environment, and also reduces the cost of maintenance. pollution to the environment, and also reduces energy consumption, realizing energy saving and environmental protection. To summarize, Hitachi ZX350-6A National IV excavator has the advantages of powerful power, good fuel economy, flexible control, high efficiency, safety and reliability, easy maintenance, environmental protection and energy saving, etc., which is suitable for various construction scenarios.

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